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Welcome to the NioLeads API! You can use our API to access NioLeads API endpoints, which can find email, verify email and fetch contact list.

Rate limit: all endpoints have a concurrent rate limit of 300 simultaneous requests, unless stated otherwise.


All authenticated endpoints are requires authentication in the documentation.

You can generate a new API key at our API Tokens on Integration page.

NioLeads expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}

Business Email

Email Finder

curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data "{
\"name\": \"John Smith\",
\"domain\": \"\"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"name": "John Smith",
"domain": "",
"email": "[email protected]"

This endpoint find emails from full name and company domain

Find any business email from name and website.

HTTP Request


Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
name true Person’s full name
domain true Email domain

Email Verifier

curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data "{
\"email\": \"[email protected]\"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "risky"

This endpoint verify an email for potential bounce

HTTP Request


Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
email true Email to verify


Field Description
status Email verify result (deliverable, undeliverable, risky, unknown)


Get new contact lists

curl ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_AUTH_KEY"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

"id": 1,
"name": "Tom ********",
"company": "All We Have Is Now",
"domain": "",
"job_title": "Keynote Speaker",
"email": "********",
"linkedin_url": "",
"first_name": "Tom",
"last_name": "********",
"city": "New York",
"region": "New York",
"country": "United States",
"industry": "management consulting",
"company_city": "New York",
"company_region": "New York",
"company_country": "United States",
"company_linkedin_url": "",
"list": "Default list"

This endpoint retrieve the new added contacts

HTTP Request



The NioLeads API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong or expired.
404 Not Found – The specified data could not be found.
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many data! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.